Jigsaw Puzzle Offers Page!

Get a FREE Wasgij Mini (54 Pieces) with all orders over $40! While stocks last. Simply add to your basket at the checkout.



Get 25% off Ambler Halloween Jigsaw Puzzle until 31st October 2019!  



Get our stunning 'Christmas Memories' Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle HALF PRICE! Shop Here


Christmas Memories Jigsaw Puzzle



40% Off Gibsons Steve Crisp Meadow Farm 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

Gibsons Steve Crisp Meadow Farm Jigsaw Puzzle


Add a Wooden Frame for just $30 extra when you buy a My Hometown Personalized Jigsaw Puzzle!
Usual frame price: $39.99

Add a Wooden Frame for 400 piece map jigsaw puzzles to your order for just $30 extra - usually $39.99! That's a great saving! When you hit the 'add to cart' button on the personalized Hometown puzzle, you will have the chance to add a beautiful, bespoke wooden frame to your order. Enjoy! 

personalized jigsaw puzzle  jigsaw puzzle frame